Mediawiki-extensions under Debian
Extensions for MediaWiki
The Debian mediawiki-extensions package
Under Debian 5.0 "Lenny", there exists a package named mediawiki-extensions that contains a number of useful extensions that you're quite likely to find useful. The included extensions are:
- Cite -- add tags for citation purpose
- GeSHi -- add tags for syntax highlighting
- Inputbox -- add predefined HTML forms to wiki pages
- NewestPages -- show the lsat pages added to the wiki
- Poem -- add tags for poems
- SpecialLastUserLogin -- special page to see a user last logins
- ParserFunctions -- collection of parser functions
- PageCSS -- parser hook to add per-page CSS
- FootNote -- add footnote to your article
- SpecialRenameuser -- special page to rename users
- LdapAuthentication -- user authentication using LDAP
- CategoryTree -- dynamic view of the wiki's category structure
- ConfirmEdit -- very simple text Captcha
- FancyCaptcha -- more comples image captchas (needs ConfirmEdit)
The installation of this package is, as usual, very straightforward. Run apt-get install mediawiki-extensions, or use aptitude to get this package installed.
After installation, the following directories get created:
/etc/mediawiki-extensions |-- extensions-available `-- extensions-enabled /usr/share/mediawiki-extensions `-- maintenance