NDISwrapper is a free software driver wrapper that enables the use of Microsoft Windows drivers for wireless network devices.
Download the windows driver wich contains the .inf file
Install with ndiswrapper -i drivername.inf
check the device id with lsusb or lspci -n
Now execute with ndiswrapper -a deviceid driver
ndiswrapper -a 0bda:8197 net8187b
check the installed drivers
ndiswrapper -l
Write the configuration for modprobe
ndiswrapper -m
And use the module
modprobe ndiswrapper
To enable compiz install the Nvidia drivers and install CompizConfig Settings Manager
sudo apt-get install simple-ccsm
Now navigate to system > preferences > Appereance And go to the Visual effects tab. Choose custum there
Desktop Effects | Keyboard Shortcuts |
Rotate Cube Manually | Ctrl + Alt + Left Mouse Button |
Expo | Super + E (toggle) |
Rotate Cube | Mousewheel on Desktop |
Film Effect | Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow |
Scale Windows | Alt + Shift + Up Arrow |
Ring Switcher | Super + Tab - overrides Shift Switcher |
Super key is the windows key :-)
First install smbfs
apt-get install smbfs
Then create a folder inside of the /media directory to mount the share on or choose you're own directory
sudo mkdir /media/Storage
Create a credentials file in /root so that you can save your password and have it protected by the root account:
sudo gedit /root/.cifscredentials
Add this to the file
username=Guest password=
sudo vi /etc/fstab Add the following line
// /media/Storage cifs auto,iocharset=utf8,uid=USER,gid=users,credentials=/root/.cifscredentials,file_mode=0775,dir_mode=0775 0 0
To check if the file works
sudo mount -a
And you should see you're drives on the desktop
Ik you get error when you shut down the pc CIFS VFS: server not responding then you have to unmount first. Do this with the following
ln -s /etc/init.d/umountnfs.sh /etc/rc0.d/K15umountnfs.sh ln -s /etc/init.d/umountnfs.sh /etc/rc6.d/K15umountnfs.sh
Citrix Ica client
Download the Linux citrix ica client from Citrix
Install the 32bits libraries if youŕe working on a 64bits platform
apt-get install ia32-libs
Install the Open-motif libraries
apt-get install libmotif3
Unpack the package and execute the installation script
Find the plugin directory of firefox. Probably is /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ otherwise use
find / -name plugins | grep -i "netscape\|firefox\|mozilla"
Create a symlink to the citrix ica library
ln –s /usr/lib/ICAClient/npica.so npica.so
If you open a connection to your citrix server. The browser will ask you if you want to open or save the session. Browse to the ica client
and tell it to use it for all applications.
When you get a ssl error "you have not chosen to thrust....." Then copy the certificate in this location.
Make DVD
To make a video DVD you can burn you're image on the dvd. If you just have the VIDEO_TS files then the easiest way is to convert these into a iso.
mkisofs -dvd-video -o ~/moviename.iso /path/to/the/VIDEO_TS
/path/to/the/VIDEO_TS path is for example /moviename not /moviename/VIDEO_TS