Smart Daemon
If you want to read out the smart status of your hard disk you can use smartmontools.
>apt-get install smartmontools
Now you have 2 utility program's (smartctl and smartd). With smartctl you can read out your hard disks
>smartctl -a /dev/hda
This will give you all info of your hard disk. For sata disk you will have to give the -d option
>smartctl -d ata -a /dev/hda
Fore more options on smartctl use -h
Now we can configure the smart daemon in /etc/smartd.conf. This daemon will monitor your hard disks. This config file gives you a good explination of the different options you can use
I use the following options
/dev/sda -d ata -a -o on -S on -s (S/../.././02|L/../../6/03) /dev/sda -d ata -H -m